Sunday, May 5, 2024

Everything everywhere all at once


Remember when it snowed for the first time? Remember how everyone forgot how to drive? Remember how everywhere you looked, people were losing their minds on the roads and highways?

Well this spring it's the same thing, except snow is replaced by dandelions.

Dandelions on boulevards. Dandelions in parks. Dandelions on your damn neighbours lawn encroaching on your grass.

It's wonderful to think, as a small lawn care provider, I can be everywhere at once to spray those pesky weeds but that's not the case. People need to exercise patience. The weeds popped early this year, and with all the wet weather, even the big companies are struggling to keep up.

I've been doing this long enough to realize, customer's memories are very short, and everyone will be singing praise by the end of May when we are well into our second round of weed control. Also the germination of the dandelion will be complete for a while, and things can return to status quo...until the snow flies.

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