So we are in the midst of the perfect storm- wet Summer last year; mild Winter and temperatures that had weeds popping early April; late approval and delivery of the newest weed control by the PMRA, hot Summer this year.
But what does all this mean?
Well, excessive grub damage that I can't treat until mid August at the earliest for one, Chinch Bugs who have made a triumphant return after a two year absence, weeds I can't spray because the new Fiesta weed control burns lawns in temps over 30 degrees factoring in humidity and Crabgrass that has run rampant over the last few weeks despite, in some cases, putting down a pre-emergent in May.
And let us not forget the wonderful HST. Now, not only do I have to tell the customer, there's nothing I can do while their lawn quickly disappears to the elements, I have to tell them it's going to cost more.
"But why does my lawn have all this stuff and my neighbours doesn't?" Many customers ask.
Actually if you look closer you'll see that those living next door to you, do have problems. It's just, from a distance everything looks status quo. And if they don't then there's some cheatin' going on.
In fact, I overheard a conversation the other day, how the old Tri-kill is now selling for $1,000.00 for a 10 lt. jug on the black market.
Wow! A G-note for something I used to pay under a $100.00 for.
As a Lawn Care company owner, I feel a sense of helplessness mixed with frustration over this whole mess. I mean, golf courses and farmers are still exempt under the bylaw and they are dousing their crops/ turf. So if you feel the environment is reaping the benefits of the pesticide ban, think again.
Think of all the acres of farm land and golf courses in Ontario and the picture may seem clearer as all the pesticides still seep into the ground water.
The anger felt is not just me, it's the homeowner, the competitor, the distributor, the manufacturer.
Yet, I am abiding and doing what I can. That means once the temperatures cool down, I can get nematodes into the soil to combat grubs, I can spray, the very expensive, Fiesta without fear of toasting a lawn....and crabgrass.....well, since Acclaim is no longer on the menu and Corn Gluten will not affect established weeds, there is nothing I can do.
In fact I'm sure if there were a nuclear holocaust tomorrow the only things to survive it, would be cockroaches, my step-mother and crabgrass.
In the meantime, stay cool, remain composed, and understand the situation.
Grass is resilient and your lawn can recover with care. In time, so will you.