I hear from many people who say they're going to do their own lawn care in 2022. However, these same people may not be aware that doing it yourself may actually be more expensive when all is said and done.
Prices for fertilizer, seed and Fiesta have seen dramatic price increases over the past 6 months, In some cases they've doubled.
The reasons for the increases are numerous and complicated, but they are global (Supply is way down, global supply chain disruptions, higher overseas freight, higher rail and long haul truck freight, China is not shipping out of country, Russia, higher natural gas costs, higher fuel costs, higher crop prices, shuttered work forces, and Possible collusion and greed among the Major suppliers to name a few).
The reasons for the increase in Seed are different than the fertilizer and to a large degree can be attributed a very VERY poor growing season in Oregon and B.C in 2021 that virtually wiped out the crop and doubling the price. Most of the Seed suppliers have very limited supply and are not taking on new customers.
For the Liquid Iron, the cost has gone up 30-40%, mainly due to supply issues.
And of course all these price hikes are being passed on to the consumer. Whereas a Lawn Care Provider may raise your cost a few bucks to cover increases, buying the product for personal use could cost you over $100 and up depending on the size of your property.
Add to that your labour and time, and doing it yourself doesn't seem like such a cost-saving adventure anymore.
Most lawn companies have pre-pay savings, usually before the start of the season, but if you wait until after those deadlines, I would have to say, all bets are off.