Sunday, May 26, 2024

Cutting crew courtesy

Common courtesy among lawn care providers is alive in well for most in the industry. When we show up to a lawn in the middle of it getting cut, we move on to our next job and circle back once the cutters are done. Some of our alliances even receive our schedules ahead of time so we can co-ordinate our routing and everyone is happy.

Yet, as in any industry, you have a few bad apples who ignore Notice signs on lawns, and cut anyway, although they know a 24 hr. grace period is needed for the weed controls to work.

These are the companies who usually cut too low hoping to get a few more days before returning for the next mowing. They are the greedy operations, who value customer count over quality, and who don't give a damn about any entity unless it's within their own crew.

I understand, we've all had to race against Mother Nature, work around the wet weather, and try to keep the customer happy in the process. It's a balancing act we've endured for years and will continue to walk the high-wire for years to come. 

So we need a little common courtesy, if not common sense.

Fighting against the conditions is one thing. Fighting each other doesn't need to be.

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