Saturday, June 17, 2023

The leopard lawns are back


It's a common sight as spring melts into summer---the leopard lawns are here and there. Some of the damage caused by Round-up and unsuspecting homeowners, who never took the time to read the label, wanting to kill weeds at any cost, and others, for a different reason.

More often and than not, I now see lawns like this caused by another culprit---Scott's Turf Builder. 

It's not the fault of the Turf Builder or the good people at Scott's. Again the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the homeowners who don't realize the consequences of applying seed, soil, or other products enriched with nitrogen to an already fertilized lawn. 

Overloading grass with nitrogen, especially at this time of the year, will lead to the lawn burning at the point of application. In most cases, straw-like markings throughout the lawn, or worse, EVERYWHERE, if enough was applied. Who wants that?


It is this mindset which caused the banning of products like Killex and Par III long ago.

Using more doesn't solve problems. It creates them. And please read the bag's instructions prior to applying the product.

Remember that the next time you want to put more on....hmm....moron?

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