Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spring in your step

It's been a while since we had this conversation...well, any conversation, since the last post was back in July of last year.

But spring is now here and thoughts are turning away from shoveling the white stuff. The focus has shifted to the lawn and garden.

In previous years, I've expressed opinions on everything from  fertilizer ethics to not doing an aeration prior to mid-April and warning Round-Up is not for use on your grass. Nothing has changed there.

In fact, new information and products in the lawn care industry have been sadly lacking and somewhat humdrum making anything I have to say at this time, redundant.

Sure, The Ministry of the Environment is still considering altering the cosmetic pesticide bylaw...slowly, and there are rays of optimism on the distant horizon, but don't expect any changes in 2019.

And sure, one or two lawn companies out there are playing by the rules...finally.

But the truth remains; dealing with weeds and insects are still the main concern --- the products available, unfortunately, remain listed in the "control only" column and not the "absolute kill."

As long as this is the case, keeping your lawn healthy with timely applications, proper cutting and consistent watering remains the best defense. To avoid this regimen will only invite unwanted issues, and have you pulling your hair out by the end of May.

Remember: Mother Nature cranks it up a notch in just over a month from now, and the weeds will explode with vengeance, so you will need to be on top of your lawn problems to maintain your curb appeal.

And if last year's surprise ice storm in April taught us anything, it was, nothing is absolute.